Q.Our NHS contract is a fair size one. Would anyone have a spreadsheet or some form of keeping a running count of how many UDAs are completed by each associate, how many remain from target etc. Yearly target percentage? Basically keeping track of UDA targets for the whole year is what I am looking for. I really struggle with this so your help would be a life saver.

A. We use a dental package called Ismile and this does it all for us. Otherwise if you access the principles NHS portal you can get all the information from that.

A. I understand your frustration…it's taken me a couple of years to perfect, (but I managed to control my uda's last year to within 0.04% of its target??yeh!)  But I have a spreadsheet set up that I transfer the number of uda's sent in each claim package and then cross check what the BSA say I've done… That way I know if any claims go astray and what each dentist is achieving month by month. Do you use R4 or SOE software packages? If you do have either of these then I know that have the information you are after already installed within their program. You just need to tell their help desk to talk you through how to get at it.

August 2015

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