CQC Outcome 4

CQC Outcome 4


Can anyone list the evidence for outcome 4 cqc please?


Outcome four Care and Welfare of People who use the Service

Require: Pt experience effective, safe and appropriate care and treatment which meets their needs


Maintenance of up to date clinical competence and training

Full pt history, including patient expectations and needs, identified at initial appt

Pt are fully involved in the assessment and planning of care

Risk management is in place to detect, evaluate and prevent or minimise risks to pt such as:

  • #significant indecent reports
  • Medical emergencies training, policies and protocols
  • Fire Drills undertaken and evacuation procedures in place
  • A preventative approach is taken to patients care and treatment wherever possible


Practice risk assessment

Hlth & safety policy

COSH and RIDDOR assessments

Fire precautions

Emergency training, Collapse procedure and Equipment

Adverse drug reactions and medicine-related adverse events

Staff training logs – CPR and medical emergencies training

Patient records or treatment plans showing patient involvement



Denplan had extremely useful information in their compliance portfolio:

Outcome 4 – Care and Welfare of People who use Services

  • Practice risk assessment
  • Health and Safety policy
  • COSHH and RIDDOR assessments
  • Fire precautions
  • Emergency training, Collapse procedure and Equipment
  • Adverse drug reactions and medicine-related adverse events
  • Staff training logs – CPR and medical emergencies training (CPD evidence)
  • Patient records or treatment plans showing patient involvement


Care and Welfare of those who use the service, right?

I've got:

Practice risk assessment, Health and Safety policy, Emergency collapse procedure, Evidence of training in first aid, Medical emergencies etc, Emergency drugs and 02, Fire drill and evidence of training in use of extinguishers, COSHH policy and evidence of training, Significant event protocol and forms ( They will defo want to see some filled in, and evidence of what was done about the event to prevent it happening again). Also added that we use the service of hygienists to facilitate patient's own homecare and oral health.

I haven't got, but would assume that any quality control audits would be good evidence as well.


The audits you will probably need are as follows:

Record keeping audit

Fair and Accessible care audit

Post and pre op instructions (both sedation and non-sedation patients)

Post op sheets and call logs.


Care and Welfare of People who use Services

Lead team members: Elena Barlow, Georgina Ingham, Charlotte Rooke, Ginny Lax, Deborah Buckley & Miles Arrowsmith



·       Patients experience effective, safe and appropriate care and treatment which meets their needs



·       Maintenance of  up to date clinical competence and training

·       Full patient history, including patient expectations and needs, identified at initial appointment

·       Patients are fully involved in the assessment and planning of care

·       Risk management is in place to detect, evaluate and prevent or minimise risks to patients such as:

o   Significant incident reports

o   Medical emergencies training, policies and protocols

o   Fire drills undertaken and evacuation procedures in place

·       A preventative approach is taken to patient’s care and treatment wherever possible


      Health and Safety Policy (also refer to Health & Safety file)

      Practice risk assessment (refer to Risk Assessment file)

      COSHH assessments (refer to COSHH file)

      RIDDOR procedure & reporting forms

      Fire precautions (also refer to Risk Assessment file)

      Emergency training, collapse procedure and equipment (also refer to Medical Emergency File)

      BDA Medical history Form

      ASA categories guidance

      Adverse drug reactions and medicine-related adverse events (refer to Outcome 1)

      NICE Recall Practice Guidance

      NICE Dental Recall Quick Reference guide

      NICE Oral Cancer Guidelines

      Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Infective Endocarditis

      NICE Guidance on Extraction of Wisdom teeth

      Policy for patients receiving Bisphosphonates

      Staff training logs (refer to ‘practice documents’ at the beginning of this file) and CPD evidence (refer to individual appraisals in the personal files)


Based on the above, is the practice Compliant with this outcome?  YES/NO

If not, see the Action Plan, with date, to achieve compliance attached.


June 2013


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